Friday, January 18, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Silly but Funny & Interesting

Q1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

Correct Answer
Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.

Q2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Wrong Answer:
Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and close the refrigerator. Correct Answer:
Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door. This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your actions.

Q3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend, except one. Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer:
The elephant, since it is still in the refrigerator. This tests your memory. Even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your abilities.

Q4. There is a river you must cross, but it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?

Correct Answer:
You swim across. All of the crocodiles are attending the meeting!
This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Emotions test - Do you have a healthy attitude towards your emotions?
Here's a quiz by which you can know about your emotions.

For your every 'no' answer, "add 1" to your score.
1. Do you feel guilty if you cry in public?
2. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness?
3. Do you think men and boys should be encouraged to hide their tears?
4. Do you feel embarrassed if you find yourself crying while watching a film or reading a book?
5. Would you try to hold back your tears if you were attending a funeral?
6. Would you distrust a politician who shed tears in public?
7. Do you think that tears are an unnecessary expression of emotion?
8. Do you always try to hide your disappointment?
9. Do you get embarrassed if you see grown men crying?
10. Would you pretend that you had something in your eyes if you were unexpectedly discovered crying?
11. Do you always try to hide your anger?

For your every 'yes' answer, "add 1" to your score
12. Do you tend to brood about things which make you angry?
13. Does your temper even get out of control?
14. Has your temper even got you in trouble?
15. Do you believe that it does you good to get rid of your anger?
16. Would you allow someone to comfort you if you were crying?
17. Do you get cross quite easily?
18. Do you touch someone you love at least once a day?
19. Do you enjoy physical signs of affection?
20. Do you ever get broody when you see small babies?
21. Would you happily hold hands in public with someone you cared for?
22. Do you enjoy being massaged?
23. Do you regularly tell those whom you love how you feel?
24. Have you ever had a pet of which you were very fond?
25. Do you enjoy being kissed and hugged by people you love?
26. Do you ever laugh out loud when you are watching funny films?
27. Do you ever tap your feet while listening to Music?
28. Do you often have the last clap at concerts, sports events and the like?
29. Do you ever shout encouragement to sports or TV heroes?
30. Can you remember when you last really laughed and enjoyed yourself?


17 to 30:Your attitude towards your emotions is a healthy one. You aren't ashamed to let your emotions show occasionally, and you will undoubtedly be much healthier because of this attitude. You are likely to be a good social advisor.

Score 8 to 16:You know how to let your emotions show but you still find it difficult to do so as often as you should. You should be prepared to let your emotions out more often. When you feel sad let yourself cry, when you feel angry, let your anger show, when you feel happy allow a smile to cross your face. Allowing your emotions out in this way will do wonders to your physical and mental health.

Score 7 or less:You are definitely very uptight. You really do need to allow your emotions flow out a little. There isn't any thing really wrong in allowing people to know how you feel.

Assign a colour to someone you know and check it out.

Red, Blue, White, Yellow, Green, Orange

Red - Represents the person who you love.

Blue - Represents the person who you seem to have a difficult relationship with.

White - Represents the person who is your soul mate.

Yellow - Represents the person who will never forget about you.

Green - Represents the person who you will remember for the rest of your life.

Orange - Represents your true friend.

Birthday colours

What colour is your birthday?
Pick your birthday from the list below and read what the colour says.
December 23rd - January 1st = Red
January 2nd - January 11th = Orange
January 12th - January 24th = Yellow
January 25th - February 3rd = Pink
February 4th - February 8th = Blue
February 9th - February 18th = Green
February 19th - February 28th = Brown
February 1st - March 10th = Aqua
March 11th - March 20th = Lime
March 21st = Black
March 22nd - March 31st = Purple
April 1st - April 10th = Navy
April 11th - April 20th = Silver
April 21st - April 30th = White
May 2nd - May 14th = Blue
May 15th - May 24th = Gold
May 25th - June 3rd = Cream
June 4th - June 13th = Grey
June 14th - June 23rd = Maroon
June 24th = Grey
June 25th - July 4th = Red
July 5th - July 14th = Orange
July 15th - July 25th = Yellow
July 26th - August 4th = Pink
August 5th - August 13th = Blue
August 14th - August 23rd = Green
August 24th - September 2nd = Brown
September 3rd - September 12th = Aqua
September 13th - September 22nd = Lime
September 23rd = Olive
September 24th -October 3rd = Purple
October 4th - October 13th = Navy
October 14th - October 23rd = Silver
October 24th -November 11th = White
November 12th - November 21st = Gold
November22nd - December 1st = Cream
December 2nd - December 11th = Grey
December 12th- December 21st = Maroon
December 22nd = Teal


Cute and lovable type. You are picky but always in love...and like to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be "moody" at times.


Competitive and sportive. You don't like losing and are always cheerful! You are trustworthy, and very out going. You choose love carefully, and don't fall in love easily. But once you find the right one, you don't let go for a long long time.


You are mostly interested in your looks and have high standards when choosing a partner. You think before making decisions and avoid making stupid mistakes. You like to be a leader, and it is easy for you to make new friends.


You are attractive, and active. You never hide your feelings, and express everything that's inside. But you can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated unfairly. You know what to say at the right time, and you have good sense of humor. You can usually brighten up someone's day.


You get along well with new people You are not really a shy person, but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings by your words... You like to be loved and noticed by your lover, but mostly you are single waiting for the right person.


You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and out going. It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.


You are always trying your best in everything, and like to help and care for other people. But you are not easily satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for romantic love like in a fairytale.


You are sweet and innocent and trusted by many people. You are usually the leader in relationships. You make good decision and make the right choice at the right time. You are always dreaming of a romantic relationship.


You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to make things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble by not thinking about other people's feelings. But you are patient when it comes to love... Once you get hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love.


You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals to reach, and are competitive. When it comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them forever.

You are mysterious, never selfish and easily interested in things. Your day can be sad or happy depending on your mood. You are popular amongst your friends but you can act stupid at times, and forget things easily. You seek people that are trustworthy.


You are calm, but easily stressed out. You get jealous easily, and complain over little things.


You are imaginative and shy, but you like trying new things. You like to challenge yourself and you learn new things easily. Your love life is difficult and confusing.


You like being challenged and are very brave. But you don't like changes in your life. And once you make a decision, you keep it that way for a long time.


You are warm and light hearted. You seem to flow well with friends and family. You don't like violence and know what's right. You are kind and cheerful, and you don't envy other people easily.


You are active and sporty. It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. Once you find out you can't get something, you give up and let go easily.


You have low self-esteem, and very picky. You are artistic and like to fall in love, but you love with your mind and not your heart.


You are attractive, and love your life. You have strong feelings towards everything and are very easily distracted. Once you get angry at someone, its hard for you to forgive them.


You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and few things make a big impression on you. You are thought highly by others.


Your feelings change suddenly and easily. You are always lonely, and like traveling. You are truthful, but believe other people too easily. It's hard to find the right love for you, and you get lost in love easily, sometimes getting hurt.

Personality according to Birth number

To figure out your birth number, add all the numbers in your birth date together, like in the example, until there is only one digit.
A birth number does not prevent you from being anything you want to be, it will just color your choice differently and give you a little insight.
Example: March 20, 1950
3 + 20 + 1950 = 1973 = 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2
2 is the birth number in this example.
1 The originator2 The peacemaker3 The life of the party4 The conservative5 The non conformist6 The romantic7 The intellectual8 The big shot9 The performer

1 The originator

1's are originator Coming up with new ideas and executing them is natural. Having things their own way is another trait that gets them as being stubborn and arrogant. 1's are extremely honest and do well to learn some diplomacy skills. They like to take the initiative and are often leaders or bosses, as they like to be the best. Being self-employed is definitely helpful for them. Lessons to learn: Others' ideas might be just as good or better and to stay open minded.
2 The peacemaker

2's are the born diplomats. They are aware of others' needs and moods and often think of others before themselves. Naturally analytical and very intuitive they don't like to be alone. Friendship and companionship is very important and can lead them to be successful in life, but on the other hand they'd rather be alone than be in an uncomfortable relationship. Being naturally shy they should learn to boost their self-esteem and express themselves freely and seize the moment and not put things off.

3's are idealists. They are very creative, social, charming, romantic, and easygoing. They start many things, but don't always see them through. They like others to be happy and go to great lengths to achieve it. They are very popular and idealistic. They should learn to see the world from a more realistic point of view.

4's are sensible and traditional. They like order and routine. They only act when they fully understand what they are expected to do. They like getting their hands dirty and working hard. They are attracted to the outdoors and feel an affinity with nature. They are prepared to wait and can be stubborn and persistent. They should learn to be more flexible and to be nice to themselves.
5 The non conformist

5's are the explorers. Their natural curiosity, risk taking, and enthusiasm often land them in hot water. They need diversity, and don't like to be stuck in a rut. The whole world is their school and they see a learning possibility in every situation. The questions never stop. They are well advised to look before they take action and make sure they have all the facts before jumping to conclusions.

6's are idealistic and need to feel useful to be happy. A strong family connection is important to them. Their actions influence their decisions. They have a strong urge to take care of others and to help. They are very loyal and make great teachers. They like art or music. They make loyal friends who take the friendship seriously. 6's should learn to differentiate between what they can change and what they cannot.

7's are the searchers. Always probing for hidden information they find it difficult to accept things at face value. Emotions don't sway their decisions. Questioning everything in life, they don't like to be questioned themselves. They're never off to a fast start, and their motto is slow and steady wins the race. They come across as philosophers and being very knowledgeable, and sometimes as loners. They are technically inclined and make great researchers uncovering information. They like secrets. They live in their own world and should learn what is acceptable and what not in the world at large.

8's are the problem solvers. They are professional, blunt and to the point, have good judgment and are decisive. They have grand plans and like to live the good life. They take charge of people. They view people objectively. They let you know in no uncertain terms that they are the boss. They should learn to exude their decisions on their own needs rather than on what others want.

9's are natural entertainers. They are very caring and generous, giving away their last dollar to help. With their charm, they have no problem making friends and nobody is a stranger to them. They have so many different personalities that people around them have a hard time understanding them. They are like chameleons, ever changing and blending in. They have tremendous luck, but also can suffer from extremes in fortune and mood. To be successful, they need to build a loving foundation.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Assess Your Personality

What do you see??

Half glass empty??


Half glass full??